mixOmics R Essentials for Biological Data Integration

05 Feb 2025 - 03 Mar 2024
* Discounts Apply
Taught by: Mspace
Contact: Contact Us
Phone Number: 1234567890
Instructions: instructions
PROG-mixOmics R Essentials for B_SC_B2C_Open_Online_Feb24_1_0001

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1 x mixOmics R Essentials for Biological Data Integration   + $1,320.00

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    Please note there are two discounts available for this course. If you are a staff member from a University or Not-for-profit organisation, please use the discount code MIXO_NFP_STAFF for 37.5% off the standard price.

    If you are a Research Higher Degree student enrolled in a University, please use the discount code MIXO_RHD for 62.5% off the standard price.

    mixOmics R Essentials for Biological Data Integration - Online

    Large biological data, which are often noisy and high-dimensional, have become increasingly prevalent in biology and medicine. To gain a holistic understanding of biological systems, layers of molecular information – or the omics, including transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, metagenomics – must be statistically integrated.

    This short course provides the necessary training in statistical data analysis for complex biological data using the renowned integrative analysis R toolkit, package mixOmics.

    Need Help?

    For any enquiries about this course or assistance with booking please contact Student Support.